FL Studio is out now for PC and Mac, in three flavours: Fruity, Producer and Signature. Also, all the projects made on Mac and Windows are acceptable for both WIN/Mac systems. FL Studio 20 Crack has now support for Mac OS 10.11 and higher as well as including support for Mac VST and AU plugins. Just seeing if it possible to get FL Studio for my Mac OS 10.6.8 because I have not been able to download a demo or even get an answers online. Before that i had FL Studio on my PC but lost it when the computer crashed. I am using and Digidesign Mbox 2 soundcard. Pro Tools is also a lot more stable on my Mac. Been using FL studio via boot camp because I don't have a PC right now. Using an iMac with Intel core 2 duo processor and Mac OSX 10.6.8. Fl Studio For Mac 10.6.8 Rating: 3,9/5 2731 reviews